Looking For a New Treatment Method for All of Your Aches and Pains? Try Physical Therapy.
It’s no secret that the older we get, the more our bodies experience random aches and pains. A long, tough day at work, an evening spent rough-housing outside with the kids, an unexpected injury — any one of these could cause random pains that never seem to leave you alone!
As we age, our bodies have a harder time hearing and coping with injuries. Something that might have only taken you a couple days to bounce back from as a kid or teenager might now take weeks (or months) to recover from once you’re over the age of 40. That can be a scary, intimidating thought.
Although many people turn to pain medication to cope with their age-related discomfort, this isn’t the only option, and it’s also far from being the best! There are tons of drawbacks to relying solely on medication to manage your pain. Medications don’t provide solutions, they’re more like bandaids we slap on top of our pain symptoms. Not to mention, many forms of pain medication are highly addictive and can harm your health over time.
This is why the best treatment method for solving your aches and pains is physical therapy. Contact our office today to learn more about the benefits of physical therapy and how treatment can help you as you age.
Physical Therapy Can Relieve Your Pain
According to ChoosePT, 116 million Americans have chronic pain each year. Physical therapy is an inclusive, comprehensive treatment method that is safe and noninvasive. It’s specialized to address your acute or chronic pain, wherever it might be occurring in your body. By working with a licensed, trained physical therapist, you’ll be able to find out a true diagnosis for your pain rather than only have your symptoms treated.
Physical therapists use several treatment methods, as well as combinations of stretching, massage techniques, and chiropractic adjustments that are successful in targeting pain sources. The goal is to reduce the frequency and severity of discomfort you’re experiencing. As you work with your physical therapist to overcome your chronic pain condition, he or she might also give you stretches and exercises to continue doing at home on your own for extra relief.
What Kinds of Physical Therapy Methods Are There?
There are several different techniques your physical therapist might use to provide effective pain relief. These include, but are not limited to, the following methods:
- Hot & Cold Therapy: Different types of pain will benefit from different ratios of hot versus cold therapeutic support, and you should always consult with your physical therapist for specific guidelines. Your therapist might instruct you to use a hot compress or an ice pack, to help alleviate pain as a result of fatigue and overuse. Taking warm or cold baths can also be helpful for this purpose.
- Acupressure: Acupressure and acupuncture are two words that often get mixed up when it comes to treatment! Acupressure is a physical therapy technique that can actually be done at home with simple supplies. Foam rollers with pressure points are a great example of at-home acupressure care. Talk to your physical therapist about obtaining the proper supplies to do this at home.
- Yoga & Regular Stretching: Engaging in a regular yoga routine or spending time everyday stretching can help to alleviate tension and pain. As part of your physical therapy treatment, your therapist will guide you through basic stretches and exercises that can help to alleviate pain. He or she will also provide you with guidelines regarding practicing those activities at home, which will allow you to keep making progress even when you’re not in the clinic.
- Dry Needling: Dry needling is a technique physical therapists might use (depending on state laws) for the treatment of pain and movement impairments. This technique uses a needle without medication or injection and inserts it through the skin into areas of the muscle. This provides relief from discomfort and pain.
- Manual Therapy: Manual therapy is just one of many forms of therapy a physical therapist can tap into in order to mobilize soft tissues and joints. This particular form of treatment assists with reducing inflammation, decreasing restriction, and increasing your range of motion through soft tissue massage, mobilization, and manual traction.
Ready To Experience True Pain Relief?
It is essential to rest, avoiding unnecessary pressure on your injured body part, and stay hydrated when you have an injury. This is how your body can begin the healing process. However, if your pain is lasting for longer than a few weeks without relief, or if it comes and goes in waves, it’s time to see a therapist. For support in overcoming your aches and pains, contact your physical therapy office in West Bloomfield Township, MI to set up a consultation. We’re happy to see you and help you get on the path to recovery.