
Putting An End to Your Hip and Knee Pain Naturally

To aid in complex movement, the hips and knees have a multitude of tendons, muscles, and joints linked together. It can be tough to perform daily tasks if you have an injury (and consequent discomfort) in a specific location.

Physical therapy, fortunately, can assist you in a variety of methods in permanently resolving your hip and knee pain. To learn more about how a qualified physical therapist may help you manage your pain, call our office right now.

Common causes of hip and knee pain include

The knees and hips are frequently affected by a variety of disorders. Repetitive motion, acute damage, or chronic disease can all cause these problems. The following are the most common causes of hip and knee pain:

  • Meniscus tears. One of the most frequent knee injuries is patellar tendonitis. A torn meniscus can cause pain, edema, and stiffness ranging from minor to severe. This syndrome can develop as a result of a sudden injury or repeated motions. If you participate in a sport or pastime that requires a lot of turning and twisting of your legs, you’re more likely to tear your meniscus. A torn meniscus can be treated non-surgically by a physical therapist.
  • Bursitis. Bursitis occurs when a small sac of fluid, known as the “bursa,” becomes inflamed. This is often caused by overuse or repetitive injuries. Bursitis can occur in a variety of locations in the body, including the hips and knees. Physical therapy can aid in recovery and the reduction of pain.
  • Arthritis. Arthritis is a condition that results in the inflammation of tissues surrounding the joints. This condition can cause knee and hip pain if it develops in those joints. A physical therapist can teach you correct posture and proper movement techniques to protect your joints and relieve arthritic pains.
  • Sprains and strains. Sprains occur when a ligament is stretched beyond its limits, while strains occur when a muscle or tendon is beyond its limits. It is also possible for ligaments to rupture, which can cause pain, bruising, and limited mobility. A physical therapist can help you recover quickly while showing you exercise techniques to reduce pain.

How can physical therapy provide relief?

No matter what condition is causing your hip and knee pain, a physical therapy program can help relieve your pain. There are several treatment methods a physical therapist may use to help limit or relieve both knee and hip pain, including:

  • Ultrasound therapy. A physical therapist may use ultrasound to provide deep heating in the tissues and identify any problem areas.
  • Manual therapy. A physical therapist might use hands-on techniques to reduce pain in your hips and knees, including stretching exercises or a variety of massage techniques.
  • Laser therapy. Laser therapy is increasingly being used in physical therapy for pain management. It can help increase circulation, reduce swelling, and improve the growth and reproduction of cells.
  • Home exercises. A physical therapist can teach you exercises to do at home, in order to alleviate your hip and knee pain. Physical therapy techniques can be incorporated into a home exercise program that can become part of your daily routine.
  • Ice and heat therapies. Ice is typically used to reduce swelling and inflammation, while heat is typically used to increase mobility and lessen pain.

Your physical therapist will evaluate your condition and create an individualized treatment plan to meet your specific needs. Range of motion and strength measurements may be taken during the physical therapy evaluation.

Make an appointment with us today

Physical therapy treatments can help you stay as active and pain-free as possible. To cure your specific ailment, one of our highly-trained physical therapists will build a personalized treatment plan for you.

To schedule an evaluation with a skilled physical therapist, call our office today. Also, learn how physical therapy can help you get rid of your hip and knee discomfort!


Physical Therapy: The Answer To Your Aches and Pains

Did you know that approximately 80 percent of Americans have experienced (or will experience) back pain? That’s a depressing statistic, especially if you’re already one of those sufferers. Chronic back pain can prevent you from performing the countless daily tasks you need or want to perform. Even when you’re not engaged in physical activity, your back pain may be keeping you miserable 24/7. But don’t assume that drugs can provide more than temporary relief, or that surgery won’t create more problems than it solves. Instead, go with the healthy, natural way to kiss your back pain goodbye — through physical therapy.

What is chronic pain?

Chronic back pain refers to pain that lasts more than three months. It is a progressive pain that gradually worsens with time and basic daily activities. Furthermore, the specific cause of back pain may remain unknown. A person simply may not know what caused it or pinpoint a point of origin.

However, most people can recover from back pain by understanding its causes, especially those that do not derive from an incident, such as a car accident.

My back hurts! Why?

Chronic back pain can be caused by a number of things, including a catastrophic injury or repeated stress on the vertebrae. Prickling, burning, tingling, stinging, severe pain, and pains are all examples of pain sensations. Acute pain is a common physical reaction to a serious injury.

According to the NINDS, however, repeated usage of joints following an inflammatory reaction might aggravate symptoms and accelerate disease progression.

In addition, those with poor posture, bulging or herniated discs, arthritis, skeletal irregularities and osteoporosis may suffer from chronic back pain more often than their peers, says the Mayo Clinic. Other facts, such as age, weight, poor lifting practices, and even mental health conditions, may increase the risk for back pain, and it only takes one injury for a condition to persist into the realm of long-term problems.

Physical therapy can help you kiss back pain goodbye

Instead of numbing yourself with drugs or risking major surgery, give physical therapy a chance to relieve your chronic back pain in a safe, natural way. Our physical therapist�will first take the time to examine your back, analyze your symptoms, evaluate your medical history, and talk to you about your pain management goals.

This information enables the physical therapist to devise a comprehensive physical therapy plan just for you. Here are some ways you can benefit from such a plan:

  • Strengthening exercises can give weak back muscles the reinforcement they need to hold your back straighter and with less fatigue.
  • Stretching exercises can help you increase your range of motion, allowing you to do more with less back pain.
  • Mindfulness practices and other techniques can help you reduce anxiety and other reactions to pain that might make the pain worse, helping you control your pain responses for the better.
  • Our physical therapist can recommend specific lifestyle modifications to help you ease the stress on your back and avoid future back problems.
  • Laser therapy, massage therapy, and heat or cold treatments can reduce chronic inflammation and relax painful muscle spasms in your back.

You should consider PT before medication

  • Back pain can be either acute or chronic in nature. Acute back pain often occurs as the direct result of torn muscles or other sudden, intense damage. But as agonizing as cute back pain may be, at least you have the comfort of knowing that your pain will probably subside as the injury heals.

    Chronic back offers no such comfort. By definition, any kind of chronic pain lasts for more than 3 months, either attacking you in bouts or plaguing you with constant discomfort. The underlying cause is often progressive and/or irreversible.

    Common causes of chronic back pain include:

    • Degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis of the spine
    • Chronic muscle strain from an unbalanced posture or weak back muscles
    • Bulging or herniated discs
    • An old back injury that failed to heal properly, leaving you with internal scarring and chronic stiffness
    • A narrowing of the spinal canal known as spinal stenosis

    Drugs can relieve chronic back pain, but only imperfectly. After a few hours of lessened symptoms, you have to take another dosage, and then another. If you’re using opioids to dull your pain, you can end up in a frightening cycle of increased tolerance and addiction.

    The most extreme form of treatment, spinal surgery, can permanently limit your back’s flexibility. You might even end up with an even more painful problem known as failed back surgery syndrome.

Call us today for help


Don’t spend your life taking medicine to control the pain. Try physical therapy!

Our bodies are amazing machines. Not only do they have the ability to heal and repair themselves, they can adapt to nearly any situation. That includes the types of things we put into them. Temporarily taking medicine to control your pain as you recover from an injury or surgery can be a viable part of your treatment plan. However, taking these medications on a regular basis, over a long period of time creates dependency and fails to address the underlying problem. Fortunately, physical therapy can reduce dependence on pain medication while restoring the body’s function. Call our office today to find out how a physical therapist can help.

How Pain Medication Works

There are two basic types of pain medication – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and analgesics. While NSAIDs are aimed at reducing inflammation in a particular part of the body, thereby reducing pain, analgesics (including opioids) work by blocking the pain receptors in the brain. Whenever you are hurt, your body produces natural opioids. These travel to the brain where they join with opioid receptors to reduce pain levels throughout the body. When you take prescription opioids, you are flooding the brain with these chemicals that quickly bind to the opioid receptors and keep pain signals from reaching your brain. This is a great short-term solution immediately after surgery when pain levels are high and physical activity levels are intentionally low. However, there is the risk of dependency even in short-term courses of medication.

Dependency vs Addiction

We often throw around the words “dependency” and “addiction” interchangeably. However, they are very different processes in the body. Remember how your body has an incredible ability to adapt to nearly any situation? As your brain is flooded with synthetic opioids, it adapts to having that level of opioid readily available. Your body produces less opioid on its own while your brain begins to depend on high levels for relief. Soon, you require higher and higher doses of the painkiller to receive the same benefit. The body also begins to feel more pain as the underlying problem worsens. Addiction refers to the compulsion to use a drug, despite its negative effects.

How Physical Therapy Can Help

Regardless of the pain source, prescription painkillers fail to address the structural problems at the root of your discomfort. Physical therapy is the process by which you regain your ability to move. As this happens, you experience less pain and require fewer prescription pain medications to find the same amount of relief.

A physical therapist will begin by taking a full history, including the amount of painkillers you are currently taking. Next, they will evaluate your body’s function and movement. Once they identify areas that require physical therapy, the physical therapist will create a treatment plan designed to help restore your mobility, flexibility and strength. Over the course of your physical therapy experience, they will give you non-drug pain relieving methods such as ice, heat, electrical stimulation, massage, ultrasound therapy, and more. They may prescribe specific stretches to do at home or at work along with strengthening exercises to incorporate into your day. The better you adhere to their treatment plan, the more your body will adapt to your new norm, the better the result.

If you are ready to end your relationship with pain and pain medicine, call our office today to schedule your free consultation. Our physical therapist is ready to get you back on your feet and pain free.


5 Reasons You’ll Benefit From Seeing a Physical Therapist

This demand for pain-management drugs has caused the opioid crisis we’re all too familiar with today. Opioids are both dangerous and addictive when taken for extended periods of time or in large amounts. Because of this, many Americans are understandably looking for safer pain relief alternatives.

According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, approximately 100 million Americans live with chronic pain. So, if you are living with chronic pain, or pain lasting three months or longer, you are not alone.

Unfortunately, that also means that the dependency on prescription medications is continuously growing. In the year 2013, doctors across the U.S. prescribed nearly a quarter of a billion opioid prescriptions – that’s roughly a bottle per person in the United States.

Physical therapy is a natural, safe, and non-invasive way to treat chronic pain. To learn more about how physical therapy can help you find relief, without the need for dangerous pain-management drugs, contact us�today.

The 5 benefits of physical therapy for chronic pain

Our physical therapists are mobility specialists who are ready to help you with your chronic pain symptoms. They will design a treatment plan that is tailored to your unique needs in order to give you with the most effective passive and active therapy treatments for your disease.

Physical therapy has numerous advantages; nevertheless, the following are the top five:

1. Better physical function

Participating in physical therapy is an engaging process that can inspire you to take a more active role in your pain management. Physical therapy sessions last anywhere from 30-60 minutes, allowing you to work closely with your therapist to achieve your goals. At the end of the day, physical therapy is the only natural, risk-free, and active method of pain relief, providing long-lasting effects.

2. A treatment plan catered to YOUR needs alone

In addition to passive treatments, your physical therapist will design an active exercise program for you that is tailored to your individual healing needs. Physical activity can dramatically reduce pain while also reducing swelling, enhancing range of motion, aiding healing, and boosting general strength and endurance.

3. Safe, conservative treatments.

Some common treatments that physical therapists provide include massage, ultrasound, joint mobilization, electrical nerve stimulation, and diathermy. These are all natural treatments that have a very low risk of side effects, especially when compared to other methods of pain relief, such as surgery and medication.

4. Treatments supported by credible medical professionals.

Rigorous study and strong research are just two of the many ways that the successes of physical therapy have been proven. These studies have provided credible evidence toward physical therapy treatments, illustrating how they can significantly reduce a vast number of pain-related conditions. The implementation of care backed by scientific research allows physical therapists to greatly improve their patient outcomes.

5. Relief that targets the source of the pain

Physical therapy’s success is due in part to the fact that it reaches the root of the problem rather than simply hiding it. Pills may be simpler to swallow for pain relief, but their effectiveness is fleeting. Many drugs’ effects only last 12 to 24 hours, so you’ll have to keep popping tablets if you want to keep feeling better. It essentially hides the discomfort while failing to address the underlying issue.

At your first consultation, your physical therapist will conduct a complete assessment to establish the source of your pain and the most effective treatment options. Physical therapy addresses the underlying cause of the problem in order to provide long-term relief, whereas medicine simply provides temporary relief.

Are you ready to discover the benefits of physical therapy?

There’s no guarantee when it comes to taking medication to quell the effects of a painful chronic condition. Physical therapy is a much safer bet if you’re looking for a healthy way to return to a life free of constant discomfort.

Are you living with pain? Are you looking for a natural way to treat your pain? If so, look no further. We can help you get the treatment you need so you can live a pain-free life, without the risks of opioids!


Is Your Posture Suffering? Physical Therapy Can Provide Improvements!

If you find yourself struggling to sit up straight on a daily basis, you most likely have an ongoing posture issue. It is common for back pain to develop as the result of poor posture. If your posture is not correct, it can cause stress on other parts of your body, resulting in pain, inflammation, or dysfunction. Fortunately, posture can be improved with the help of physical therapy.

According to a study, approximately 3% of all emergency room visits tend to be the result of back pain or injury. Back pain is the most commonly reported area of pain, which can cause significant limits to one’s daily life.

To learn more about how we can help improve your posture and relieve your back pain, contact our office today.

How did I develop poor posture?

When you hear the term “poor posture,” you might think of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but not every case is this severe! In fact, poor posture isn’t something to be ashamed of. Few people have ideal posture, and the majority of people engage in terrible posture behaviors in some form. We get so caught up in whatever task we’re working on that we neglect to pay attention to how our bodies are positioned.

Perhaps you’re working on a project at work, it’s late at night, you’re exhausted, and you’re slouched sideways in your desk chair, one eye on the computer and the other on the clock. This isn’t your regular position, but you’re getting into the most efficient position for typing up the rest of that file and then zooming out the door.

Poor posture isn’t due to laziness or apathy; rather, it generally has something to do with a physical weakness within our bodies. We slouch, slump, hunch, and droop over when we get feel drained because our bodies literally get tired of holding us up.

Even if you exercise regularly, you may have a few weak muscles that are contributing to poor posture that you are unaware of. Your posture is influenced by the muscles in your shoulders, back, belly, buttocks, and pelvic floor. Your core will be affected if even one of these is weak, and your posture may suffer as a result.

Why does my posture affect my back?

If you are suffering from persistent back pain, there is a good chance it is due to your posture. Poor posture is one of the most common causes of back pain. Do you slouch at your desk? Do you lean forward when you’re reading your emails? Do you hunch over your keyboard? These are all things that people do subconsciously, without even realizing the toll it takes on the body.

Your posture affects how your body moves throughout the day, whether you’re sitting, standing, walking, jogging or jumping. Your posture may change depending on what you’re doing; for example, your posture may be great when you’re standing, but when you sit at a desk or lie down, your body begins to hunch and fold in ways it’s not supposed to.

Physical therapy can help you sit up straight!

Your physical therapist will create a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs. This will concentrate on reducing discomfort, increasing strength, and improving posture as rapidly as feasible. Treatment strategies may include focusing on mobility, balance, flexibility, or stability, depending on the type of your problem.

Our physical therapists are highly experienced and dedicated to helping patients relieve pain and improve their posture. When you arrive for your first appointment, your physical therapist will conduct a comprehensive exam to find out where your pain is originating and what the best treatments will be for relieving it.

Call us today for more information on Physical Therapy

Is your posture causing your back pain? Contact us today to find out. We’ll provide you with the treatment you need so you can get back to your pain-free life. Getting better doesn’t have to take years or even months, and fixing your posture can be quite easy when you’re guided by a skilled physical therapist. What are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment today!


Are You In Search of Safe, Effective Pain Relief For Your Back and Neck Pain?

There are many reasons why one may develop back or neck pain. Back and neck pain may range from mild to severe, and you may experience accompanying symptoms.

Neck pain is most commonly caused by muscle strains, which can develop due to a cervical herniated disc, cervical degenerative disc disease, or cervical osteoarthritis. Anything that causes the spine’s anatomy to change can result in back pain, such as lumbar disc herniation, lumbar degenerative disc disease, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, or osteoarthritis!

Luckily, physical therapy can help relieve back and neck pain and help you get back to living your everyday, pain-free life. If you’re searching for pain relief from a chronic back or neck pain condition, give Premier Therapy Center a call today to schedule an appointment. We will help ease your symptoms and teach you how to manage your pain without using harmful medications.

Common causes of back pain

You don’t have to be lifting something heavy to sustain a back injury. Several factors can contribute to back pain.

The source of the pain comes from injury or irritation of the muscles, joints (including the intervertebral discs and facet joints), nerves or surrounding ligaments, and other soft tissue.

Some of the contributing factors are often associated with back pain are:

  • Improper posture or prolonged positions (i.e., prolonged sitting)
  • Spinal muscle and tissue damage (i.e., lifting strains or trauma from accidents)
  • Limited hip, spine, and pelvis mobility
  • Limited muscle flexibility
  • Spinal/pelvic muscle weaknesses (aka “core” weakness)
  • Poor abdominal, pelvic and back muscle coordination (i.e., compensations due to injury)

Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t seek treatment when back pain arises. They might assume nothing—except for medication and rest—can solve their back pain problem, and this simply is not the case!

Common causes of neck pain

Neck pain is most commonly caused by an injury to the tissues or bone structures in the neck; however, certain degenerative conditions can also lead to neck pain.

Some common conditions that give you a pain in your neck include:

  • Muscle strains –The muscles in your neck can become strained by overuse. Even something as simple as sitting at your desk all day with your neck craned toward the computer screen can lead to a strain on your neck muscles.
  • Illnesses – Certain diseases and ailments can result in neck pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis and meningitis.
  • Nerve compression – If you have a herniated disc in your neck or narrowing of the foramen (space where the nerves exit the spine), the nerves that branch out from your spinal cord can become compressed. In some cases, nerve pain can even extend from the neck all the way down to the hands and fingers — a condition known as “radiculopathy.”
  • Injuries – Whiplash is one of the most common injuries that result in neck pain, typically sustained by an automobile or high-impact sports collision. This is known as a “strain” injury, causing the head to whip back and forth rapidly, thus affecting the soft tissues in the back of the neck.

What should I do if I have back or neck pains?

If you’re experiencing back or neck pain, it is important to consult with your primary doctor right away. He or she will most likely perform a physical exam and may want to take some x-rays or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test.

With an MRI, your doctor will be able to see your soft tissues, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels, which can provide evidence of where your back or neck pain is stemming from. Once this is determined, your doctor will suggest a course of treatment, which will likely include physical therapy.

Back pain and neck pain can lead to a loss of productivity, and it is a common cause of disability. Because of this, it is important to seek the assistance of a medical professional immediately if you are suffering from back or neck pain.

How will physical therapy help my back or neck pain?

Physical therapy is an effective treatment for both back and neck pain. The goals and expected outcomes of these treatments include:

  1. Decreased pain and stiffness. By using passive treatments such as manual therapy, your physical therapist will help alleviate pain in the affected area and accelerate the healing process.
  2. Prevention of further issues. By learning proper body mechanics, you can avoid future injuries and prevent pain from recurring.
  3. Increased range of motion. Your physical therapist will implement flexibility exercises into your treatment plan, which will help increase the range of motion in your back and neck.
  4. Improved strength. Your physical therapist will create a specific exercise plan for your particular needs, which will aid in the strengthening of muscles in the affected area.
  5. Improved quality of life. Physical therapy can help you return to your normal routine much quicker, allowing for an overall improvement in quality of life.

Treatment plans are comprised of both passive and active methods. Passive treatments work to relieve pain, inflammation, and stiffness, while active treatments work to improve strength, flexibility, and function.

Common passive treatments for back and neck pain include ice and heat therapies, manual therapy, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound. Active treatments include targeted stretches and exercises that your physical therapist will prescribe.

Contact us today for relief!

Are you living with back or neck pain? If so, say goodbye today with the help of physical therapy. Contact us today to confirm your appointment and get started on the first steps toward pain relief.


6 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Improve Your Health & Wellbeing

Have you noticed a decline in your overall physical health lately? This is to be expected as you age. Did you know though, that a person’s physical health has a direct impact on their mood? People with very active lifestyles tend to be happier and live much longer, according to the Mayo Clinic. They may also experience more muscle gain and weight loss as well. On paper it might seem pretty simple to become more active, however, increasing your level of physical activity can be quite difficult if you’re doing it alone.

If you want to learn how to lead a more active and healthy lifestyle, visiting a physical therapist is a great first step! We’ve listed six ways that physical therapy can help improve your overall health and wellbeing; contact our office today to learn more!

Physical therapy reduces the need for surgery and opioids.

The biggest benefit to your health from seeing a physical therapist is derived from its safe, noninvasive nature. Since physical therapy does not involve medications or surgery, you are less likely to develop subsequent infections, complications or side effects.

According to ChoosePT, “Whereas opioids only mask the sensation of pain, physical therapists treat pain through movement, hands-on care, and patient education, resulting in positive side effects like improved mobility, independence, and wellness.” Ultimately, therapy presents a safer alternative to opioid and surgical treatment options, both of which can set you up for long term pain conditions.

Physical therapy can treat chronic and acute pain.

Physical therapy also improves management of chronic and stress-induced pain. Your physical therapist can not only diagnose your condition and treat your symptoms, but they can also find the true underlying source of your pain. From there, he or she will teach you ways to manage it to make sure it doesn’t continue to be an issue in the future.

ChoosePT states that moving more coincides with a decrease of up to 28% in a person’s perception of pain. More importantly, people that receive an education about their pain and its impacts, as well as how physical therapy treats and relieves pain, were more likely to experience less pain with treatment.

Physical therapy lowers your risk of cardiovascular issues or other injuries.

Did you know that the strengthening of joints and muscles in therapy may also reduce risk for injury in routine activities? Being inactive for long periods can make our muscles weak. If your muscles are strong, they can recover faster, thus reducing the likelihood of injury from repetitive stress. Maintaining an active lifestyle also provides protection against major health problems, such as stroke and heart attack.

Physical therapy can give you more energy.

It doesn’t take an expert to explain to you that the more you sit around doing nothing, the less you’ll feel like getting up and moving around. Seeing a physical therapist and getting into a habit of incorporating exercise into your daily routine can result in improved energy levels. Physical therapy focuses on improving range of motion and activity, and according to Harvard Health Publishing, improved activity levels are associated with an increase in energy. Those with pain may also experience a higher level of mobility and energy with less pain as well!

Physical therapy decreases the risk of mental health issues.

Having more energy and being in a good mood go hand in hand! An improved attitude, mood and overall mental state are additional benefits of therapy. Continued participation in physical therapy and routine exercise boosts mental awareness and mood. This means you’ll have a much lower risk for developing anxiety and depression. In addition, those with a better mood were less likely to experience pain and inflammation in their joints!

Physical therapy can assist with the treatment of damaged tissues.

The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), found in a 2018 study that the application of physical therapy holds promise in treating tissue damage. While the study was specific to meniscal tears, it alludes to additional benefits for other tissue injuries. As a result, those with injuries or a history of injury may find improved stamina with continued exercise and therapy.

Contact Our Office Today

Physical therapy offers multiple health benefits that you just won’t find from taking medication. The risk of harmful side effects as a result of participating in a physical therapy program is considerably lower than the risks associated with medication treatment or surgeries.

Contact Premier Therapy Centers today to make an appointment with a licensed physical therapist. This is the first step to reaping maximum benefits when it comes to your health! So what are you waiting for? Call us today!


3 Ways Physical Therapy Can Relieve Your Pain (And Save Your Life!)

Chronic pain can keep you from doing almost everything you enjoy. It can hinder your ability to play sports, to have fun outside with your friends, to get a good night’s sleep, and even from doing your job. So, what are you supposed to do about it? What can possibly be done to improve your quality of life, besides taking prescription medication? Our highly trained physical therapist at  Premier Therapy Center will create a therapy treatment plan that is best for you.

We’ve got your answer: physical therapy!

At our physical therapy clinic, we work with people every day who are dealing with the physical and mental effects of chronic pain caused by conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia. So, if your joints are achy and stiff, or if you’re dealing with a chronic pain problem, we invite you to pick up the phone NOW and give our clinic a call. We’ll set you up with a skilled physical therapist who can take a look at your condition and get you feeling better in no time at all.

Why should I consider physical therapy for my chronic pain?

Do you have chronic pain? If so, you’re in the company of at least 20% of the United States population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

You don’t deserve to spend every day in pain, and with physical therapy you may not have to! Here are three reasons to work with a physical therapist for your chronic pain and achy joints:

1. Physical therapy offers pain solutions, not just symptom management.

There are plenty of short-term “solutions” out there that we’ve all turned to from time to time when it comes to back pain or strains in our ankles and wrists. Let’s face it, many of us don’t want to make the trip to the doctor to see what’s wrong. We’d rather hope for the best and take care of it at home on our own, however, this isn’t always the best route of action when there’s an underlying problem. It’s important to treat the cause, not just the pain symptoms.

Beyond alleviating your joint pain and stiffness, a physical therapist also uses a variety of individually tailored techniques and services that can address the root causes of your joint issues. In the long-term, this can help you avoid or minimize daily pain, slow disease progression, and even prevent your joint problem from getting worse.

Examples include:

  • Neuromuscular education techniques to improve your balance and reduce the risk of falls, which may otherwise exacerbate your pain
  • Prescription and fitting of custom orthoses, braces, and other devices to support, compensate for, and/or alleviate pressure on your affected joints
  • Therapeutic exercises and stretches to correct strength or mobility imbalances, promote tissue healing, and improve overall joint function and stability
  • Manual techniques like joint mobilizations and massage to improve joint alignment, reduce swelling and stiffness, and break up painful adhesions

2. Physical therapists can empower you to be your best self

Physical therapist’s are in it with you for the long haul! When you work with a physical therapist, he or she becomes a partner in your healing and health. By teaching you exercises, mindfulness techniques, lifestyle modifications, breathing techniques, and safer ways to function in your daily life, your therapist can empower you to prevent recurring issues and optimize your overall health.

When you’re able to go about your day with less pain, greater strength, and improved function, you gain more independence and confidence as well!

3. Physical therapy provides safe, holistic pain relief.

Physical therapy has been proven by research studies to be effective for alleviating chronic joint pain and may even help you cut down on your medication (with your doctor’s supervision, of course).

Did you know that the CDC and other professional organizations officially recognize physical therapy as a safe alternative to pain-relieving medications like opioids? It’s true. Physical therapy offers long-term pain relief, unlike prescription medications, and there is no threat of fatal overdose with an exercise plan, either.

Your physical therapist will employ non-invasive modalities like electrical stimulation, diathermy, or ultrasound used by physical therapists can alleviate spasms and naturally block pain signals. This kind of short-term pain relief is valuable because it helps you participate in rehabilitation exercises and get better sleep, which we know is important for overall health and stress relief.

Call our clinic today for more information

Are you being plagued with chronic pain and growing tired of searching for relief? If you’re nodding your head, it’s time to see what physical therapy can do for your condition.

Contact Premier Therapy Centers today to schedule an appointment and get on the road to a life free from pain.


5 Fun Ways To Get Active Again

We lead pretty sedentary lives, especially with the way most of us have had to work from home over the past 12 months or so. Because of this, it’s important that we take advantage of the free time we do have to get out and do something active.

According to HHS, “More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities, and more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough aerobic physical activity to meet the guidelines for youth.” Finding the time or the motivation to exercise is difficult for many people.

The key is to find a fun activity that you enjoy doing and that also fits your current fitness level. Maintaining a high level of physical activity can possibly lengthen your life as well as improve the overall quality!

Here are five fun activities that can be adapted to fit almost any fitness level. If you are unable to participate in physical activity due to chronic pain, call our clinic today to set up an evaluation with one of our skilled therapists.

Ready to get in the groove?

1. Get your hands dirty in the garden.

Gardening is a great way to get fresh air in your lungs and also begin growing your own organic vegetables and fruits! Whether you live in the country or in an urban area, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy gardening.

Container gardening is an easy way to grow flowers and vegetables almost anywhere. Four or five medium-sized containers on the patio are enough to grow several items. Planting, hoeing with a hand spade, and regularly watering your plants can provide a moderate level of activity.

2. Get out on the dance floor!

Dancing is a great way to have fun and stay active at the same time. There are several different types and levels of dancing to choose from. You can take lessons or join a group that gets together to dance on a regular basis.

Everything from ballroom to ballet is a fun activity that people at different fitness levels can enjoy. If you don’t want to make the commitment or spend the money taking classes, dancing on your own at home while listening to your favorite music is a fantastic way to get moving and burn calories. Depending on your weight and how strenuously you’re able to dance, you’ll be able to burn approximately 200 to 300 calories during half an hour of dancing. That’s a lot!

3. Try a rowing machine out!

Have you ever heard of rowing? Learning to use a rowing machine is relatively easy. This is not something you can only do in the water (although it can prove to be great practice if you want to really row a boat!) The treadmill and the stationary bike may be more popular, but the rowing machine is a great way to get a good workout even if you’re not in top physical shape. It’s also low impact while offering high calorie-burning potential. The great thing about the rowing machine is that you can do it while sitting down.

4. Go for a swim!

Swimming isn’t only for the beach, the Olympics, or lazy pool days! Regularly swimming can give you the boost of physical activity you need in your life. There are several different swimming strokes to learn. The backstroke is one of the easiest to do. Whether you’re swimming laps, floating, or tossing an inflated ball with a friend, swimming is fun yet healthy activity.

It’s a low-impact activity, easy on the joints, and provides a good cardio workout. The best way to get started is to sign up for a class at your local Y or fitness club. If you have access to a private pool, for both accountability and safety reasons, make sure to swim with a partner.

5. Call our physical therapy clinic to learn more about an exercise program.

Did you know that a physical therapy program can increase your fitness level and help you make the most of your favorite activities? If you are unable to get around safely or participate in the things you love the most because of chronic pain, physical therapy could be the answer to your problems.

physical therapist can evaluate your current physical condition and assess your fitness level. Whether you’re currently moving with assistance or you’re a serious athlete, physical therapy can help you increase your fitness level, reduce your chance of injury, and eliminate pain from sore muscles. A physical therapist can teach you the proper techniques for warming up before your chosen activity and the best post-workout stretches for an effective cooldown.

Contact�Premier Therapy Centers today to learn more about the benefits of physical activity, and get started on your own fitness journey.


5 Ways To Stay Healthy Through Physical Activity

Staying Fit Doesn’t Have To Be Hard

Let’s face it, sometimes it can be really hard for us to slow down and take it easy. We all just want to get as much done during the day as possible! However, it’s time that we become a bit more realistic about what is and isn’t feasible for us to accomplish through sheer willpower alone. Our bodies have limits.

Even though you might really want to complete your entire to-do list within a 24-hour time span, it probably isn’t going to happen! Instead, you need to begin using these tips and tricks to keep yourself motivated, active, and moving forward on your journey to do it all.

To make things a bit easier for you, here are five easy strategies you can begin implementing immediately to stay active and engaged in your life.

Tip #1: Make Living Pain-Free a Priority

The top reason most people give for not staying active is because they are in pain. According to the National Institute of Health, most Americans experience chronic pain on a daily basis. Nearly 40 million adults report suffering from moderate to severe pain, which is pretty concerning and also points to underlying health issues.

There is good news though! Physical therapy is an effective and easy way to get rid of a majority of your pain. Manual therapy from a licensed physical therapist, or ultrasound treatments can drastically improve a person’s condition, help alleviate pain, and restore joint and muscle function.

Tip #2: Tools Can Help Track Your Progress

There are plenty of products out there that can track, encourage, and inspire your physical activity. Using products like these can even increase your levels of activity, however, the key to success is to set daily, weekly, and monthly goals for yourself, so the tools can track your progress. Below are some ways using trackers can help!

  • Make sure you use your tracking device or tool every single day. Being consistent with something makes it a habit (and you know habits are hard to break!)
  • Write your goal down on paper. You might want to try to get in 10,000 steps per day, but make sure you’re not pushing yourself too hard.
  • Get your friends and family involved in your activities as well. Lots of trackers have features that allow you to measure your progress against another user’s. This kind of comparison can serve as effective motivation! Not to mention, it’s a lot of fun to work out with someone rather than by yourself.
  • Make sure to take part in activities you really enjoy. Most tools have limitations with what kinds of activities they are able to measure, so it’s really important to choose a tracker that is based on the activities you like the most. This way you’ll have an easier time maintaining progress.

Tip #3: Establish a Healthy Sleep Schedule

It probably sounds ridiculous to say that if you want to stay active, you need to rest more, but it’s the truth. Not getting enough sleep can be detrimental to your health.

About a third of the population in the United states struggles with getting to sleep, and staying asleep. One benefit of physical therapy is that it can help you achieve better sleep, and in turn be more active when you are awake.

Physical therapists have special training that allows them to target areas critical to a good night’s sleep, including tissue healing and pain modulation. A physical therapist can also provide suggestions for how you can integrate sleep health with overall well being.

Tip #4: Walk Your Dog More

Having a dog is a super effective way to get yourself moving around outside. Pets need lots of play and activity so that they can stay healthy, and holding yourself accountable for your pet’s health will most certainly get you outside and running around with them!

Even if it’s just for a short walk with your dog, this kind of exercise is better than sitting on your couch all day. Some physical therapists might even suggest adopting a dog as part of your treatment plan.

Tip #5: Clean House!

Keeping a tidy house can benefit you in more ways than one. Cleaning employs a variety of muscle groups and keeps you moving and active. With every stretch you make to dust up on a ledge, or to mop underneath a table, you’re exercising muscles that might not get much action otherwise. For an extra benefit, squeeze your glutes and abdominal muscles as you go from room to room!

Ready To Live Pain-Free Again?

Physical activity doesn’t have to be hard, but it’s important that you fit it into your daily schedule. Whether you’re on a quest to stay fit and healthy, or simply want to enjoy your life more, contact Premier Therapy Centers to schedule a consultation and find out how physical therapy can help.